Renate sleeping, 1974, pen, ink and watercolour (scanned in) Martin, 18.1.84   7 years old Andrea 14.12.89   2 years 9 months old Renate   11 months old Portrait of Anton, 19 and half months old Andrea playing the Piano, 8 years old Andrea   11 months old Martin, 18.1.84   7 years old Martin, 14.5.95   18 years old Hans, 1984, reading newspaper Hans, oil portrait Hans, 1975, listening to news Renate, sleeping   7 weeks Hans, 1975, listening to news (scanned in) Hans, 31.1.84 in his office T.U.D. Andrea, 6.10.92   5 years old Martin, 6.1.89   12 years old Renate with her Teddy   5 years 2 months old Hans, 1984, reading newspaper (scanned in) Andrea 13.2.97   10 years old Hans, 1974 ink with watercolour (scanned in) Hans,1961 in Lyon, watercolour (scanned in) Hans in Cancun Andrea   5 months old Hans in Cancun (scanned in) Hans, in Lyon, 1961 (scanned in)

Portrait pictures by Helen Hartnagel, paintings and drawings made of her family, over a span of about 5o years